After forty years in England, Mr. Nikos decides to sell his London restaurant, Pelops, and return to his birthplace, Greece. Returning to one’s roots, however, is not an easy decision. The three potential buyers of Pelops are drawn into a contest of cooking and honesty, ending with one final meal and a surprise dish.
Duration: 90 mins. Cast: 2 female, 5 male.
· 2011 National Theatre, Athens.
Directed by Yannis Moschos.
Cast: Antonis Antoniou, Prometheus Aliferopoulos, Alexandra Aidini, Betty Nikolesi, Dimitris Papanikolaou, Kostas Falelakis, Menelaos Hazarakis.
· 2016: Greek Cultural Center, New York.
Directed by Lyto Triantafyllidou.
Cast: Loukas Skipitaris, Ioannis Bakogeorgios, Fotis Batzas, Kristina Siapkara, Theodora Loukas, Phyto Stratis and Nikos Siozos.