Medea is intrigued by Jason, a foreigner who arrives in her land to steal the most valuable treasure, the Golden Fleece. Their acquaintance turns into a power struggle, with Medea, Jason, a psychic, a palace slave, and Medea's brother all vying for love with all their might. (Alternative title: Medea’s Paws)
Duration: 90 minutes. Actors: 3 Women, 2 Men
· 2014 Vafeio Theater - Lakis Karalis, Athens.
Directed by Varvara Daliani.
Cast: Kynthia Voucouvalidou, Maria Thrasyvoulidou, Christos Karampelas, Mary Logothetis, Dimitris Maziotis.
· 2017 Stella Adler Studio of Acting, New York.
Directed by Ioannis Bakogeorgios.
Cast: Megan Abell, John Edgar Baker, Alyssa Abraham, Justin Phillips and Mandalena Papadatou.